• [World Vision] Please help -- a child dies every 10 seconds
  • Administrator
    2016.06.10 12:40:19
  • Bring hope and healing to a starving child
    Peanut-based therapeutic foods are proving so effective at bringing little ones back to health that some in Africa refer to these foods as "magic paste." But it's not magic. It's innovative nutritional science that's helping answer the desperate prayers of parents and saving young lives every day.
    You can help provide therapeutic foods to severely malnourished boys and girls who might otherwise not make it. And with the aid of government grants, we're able to make 4 times the impact with your gift to help save their lives.

    "After four days of therapeutic feeding, a child can become active, playing. You can see the changes,"says Sunday Mary, a World Vision nurse who looks after children at Tonj Stabilization Centre in South Sudan.

    You can help save the life of a baby like Fatima, who was wasting away at just 6 months old. With no food or family income due to drought, she needed a miracle to survive.

    Then, donors like you gave generously to provide therapeutic foods to her community in Somaliland. Baby Fatima made a miraculous recovery!

    You can bring the same kind of recovery to another child on the brink of starvation with a gift today.
    God bless you,
    Rich Stearns
    Rich Stearns
    President, World Vision U.S.

    P.S. Help save a hungry child with your gift that multiplies 4 times in impact to provide real solutions to hunger.

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